Delbert Supports the America First Agenda.
Chris McDaniel Believes President Trump’s Supporter are ‘Delusional.’

Chris McDaniel called President Trump’s supporters delusional and said President Trump was not a constitutional conservative. He said Donald Trump wasn’t his choice for President.
Meanwhile, Delbert Hosemann has advocated throughout his public service career for policies which align with the America First Agenda, including:
- Addressing election security by implementing a constitutional Voter ID law, ending ballot harvesting, and preventing illegal aliens from casting a ballot;
- Overhauling Mississippi’s archaic business laws to streamline starting and maintaining a business in the state;
- Passing the largest tax cut in Mississippi history ($524M) to reduce the state’s income tax to a 4% flat tax by 2026, one of the most competitive rates in the nation;
- Investing more than $4 billion in infrastructure, including capacity and maintenance in roads and bridges, ports, water and sewer, and other projects;
- Supporting conservation efforts including improving state parks and creating wildlife management areas;
- Protecting our Second Amendment rights by circumventing federal laws preventing lawful gun owners from possession;
- Helping lead the effort to overturn Roe v. Wade by prohibiting abortion based on genetic abnormality and passing legislation to increase opportunities for adoption and foster care;
- Streamlining economic development incentives to encourage businesses to expand or locate in Mississippi;
- Protecting our children by prohibiting pornography and other inappropriate content from being in digital school libraries;
- Providing antitrust immunity for hospitals and other healthcare organizations to merge and collaborate in an effort to make healthcare more accessible and affordable;
- Addressing the rise in foreign governments’ acquisition of farmland in Mississippi; and
- Running state government like a business by downsizing the number of state employees by 2,300 and paying off $500 million in state debt.
Delbert endorsed President Donald Trump in his bid for the presidency because President Trump’s policies resulted in less government and a stronger economy.
Vote to re-elect Delbert Hosemann as Lt. Governor on August 8.